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Fiesta Bouquet

Fiesta Bouquet

PrecioDesde $60.00

The Fiesta Bouquet is composed of a lively mix, fit to celebrate any and every moment. With a combination of vibrant flowers, this florist–designed arrangement brings a pop of color and a burst of excitement as soon as it arrives.


    -The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 14"H x 14"W.

    -Designed by florists, ready to display.

    -For long–lasting blooms, replace the water daily. We suggest trimming the stems every couple days.



    Gerbera Daisy


  • To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement which could differ in color and variety. Any substitution made will be similar to the original design and be of equal or greater value. Due to availability, the vase that arrives with your flowers may be different than the one shown in our website photography.

    Floral and Plant Substitutions

    For bouquets and plants of one variety, such as roses or orchids, we focus on matching


Floral Pick-Up/ Delivery Form

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